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My 4th Rezzday

I’m sort of blown away by the fact that a. I’ve been in SL for four years today, and b. that I remembered my rezz day for a change. I’m not going to go into too much detail in this post, as I plan to write a bit about why I began SL when I do my piece for Connecting: 365 SL Lives. Suffice it to say, when I joined, I never imagined my Second Life would last this long or be so fulfilling.

So, for my rezz day I created collages. For each of the four full years I’ve been in SL, I selected pics. Sort of the Evolution Of Lucie, if you will. I don’t have credits on all of the old things, but if you see something and want to know where it’s from, ask. I might still know. Without further ado… my evolution. Don’t laugh too much. We all have those “but I thought I looked so good at the time” pics!

I was only about five days old when I bought my first hair. It was from Damselfly. In those five days, I’d worn hair in tons of colors. I ultimately realized I was going to be a redhead. Partly that was because I wasn’t seeing many redheads around, and partly it paid homage to the color my hair was dyed when I met my husband in real life. Though I occasionally blog another color just for fun, my red hair is sorta my trademark. I’m honestly shocked I’ve kept it all this time, but I don’t plan to change it!

In 2009, I wore a hideous freebie skin for far too long. Then I found a skin from Tea Lane. My husband probably still misses the ass on that skin, but alas, you guys do not get to see that! I only wore the Tea Lane skin for a couple of weeks before someone introduced me to Redgrave and I bought a skin from there. Later in the year, I fatpacked the Chloe skin from Redgrave. It wouldn’t be long, though, before that skin seemed to be the most copybotted on the grid. That made me angry for the creator, and annoyed because 1 day old newbs were wearing my skin (and likely, in most cases, had no clue it was stolen).

2009 Collage

In late 2009, finally tired of seeing my skin on so many other avs, and also ready for a major change in my look, I bought my first LAQ skin, Molly. For some reason, I have no headshots of that skin. Maybe because I looked 14 and didn’t wear it long. I bought Elena a few months later and wore that skin for nearly all of 2010. Can you imagine? Me, wearing the same skin for nearly a YEAR? I bought a new LAQ skin in late 2010, but for almost all of that year, it was Elena. I still think it’s a pretty skin, even if my shape at the time makes me cringe a bit now.

2010 Collage

2011 is the year I discovered Curio. All four of these pics are of Curio skins. It’s also the year I finally managed to master editing prims enough to try prim lashes. It’s amazing the depth they add.

2011 Collage

In late 2011, I bought the gorgeous Elly skin from Pink Fuel. I wore it for a couple of months, but let’s face it. 2012 will go down as the year I embraced my inner skin whore.

2012 Collage

And, to start off my fifth year of SL… a brand new pic, featuring the stunning new Belleza skin Ava. I don’t usually buy the “bare” skins, but this might be the most stunning bare skin I’ve ever seen (I do have on the tattoo eyeliner that came with my lashes, though). My eyes are IKON Eternal eyes in tobacco, the lashes are Gaeline Creations Fantasia and my hair is Devina, a recent Truth release in my current red (blood w/roots) shade. The damask sweater (in chocolate) is from The Secret Store.

4th Rezzday

I am looking forward to a great fifth year of Second Life. Thank you to all who share my daily triumphs and trials, and to all who take time out of your own busy days to read my little blog.


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